Saturday 22 May 2010

This Is Where It Ends

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass.... 
               it's about learning how to dance in the rain."

Yesterday was the last day of year 11. The last official day of school, ever. Of course I'm going back for countless exams and revision sessions, but as soon as that's all over, that's it. Done. 
It's so scary to think about. For the five years that I was at secondary school I hated it and didn't want to get up in the morning. But now that it's over? Well, it's just come too quick. It means I have to grow up, and I don't want to grow up. 
Peter, now would be a nice time for you to take me to Never land. My window is wide open.

We had a pretty awesome last two days. On Thursday a load of the boys dressed up in costumes and then ran across the school dropping stink bombs. It was pretty awesome. Apart from the smell.

What made it even better was that the teachers thought it was funny, considering two weeks before a load of people stole & damaged clocks and fire extinguishers. That wasn't funny. 

On Thursday we were treated to free breakfast (although we were late so ended up only having a choice from pizza or bacon things) and then signed each others shirts. My tutor, Mr Masih, got us all little books to sign and stuck a load of pictures of our tutor in, it's such a nice gift :) I'm going to stick loads of photos of the last days and prom in. 

My last ever lesson was Textiles, which was a bummer, but for the second half we got to just piss about and took pictures. A load of girls also stuck fake moustaches on which was hilarious as Mrs Gross didn't even notice for ages. 
Me and Laura were jealous and made our own little moustaches.

This last picture really made me laugh, as me and Laura are the only ones sat looking at the camera hahaha.

At lunch we made human pyramids and piled up on each other. Becky then got kicked in the face when joining in with the leap frog game going on with another group, and I got my foot squished when Josh was giving me a piggy back and then got knocked over. But all in all it was a good lunch :)

Then after school on Friday, went into town with the girlies (and Josh) and drank coke (although I think Laura might have had a fanta), ate ice creams and pigged out on chocolate stars. Oh, and jumped around taking pictures on mine and Hannah's DSLR's :)

I'm going to miss seeing my friends every day soso much :( That's probably the bit that upsets me about leaving school actually. I'll be glad to get rid of the homework and boring lessons and nagging teachers for a few months. Even though I have exams right now (2 down, 500 to go!) and then college in September. Ahh!

A♥ xo

Wednesday 19 May 2010

Travis, Trevor, milk

Okay so I was nagged to write something today and my excuse was "nothing interesting ever happens" and I honestly didn't think it would because yaknow, it's sunny = cameras = posing = not much talking just smiling and face pulling.
me and Abigail were talking about Mr Justin Bieber and his voice and how it has actually broken and about him meeting 3 year old Cody because she cried about him on youtube (I'll link you later) and my demonstration broken mans voice sounded so perverted that me and her made everything we said perverted. Here's a snippet:
"I saw you in that video"
"I liked it"
"You cried a lot
"I like it when you cry"
"When you cried my name, I made some milk! And then...And then I drank it"
"I like milk"
"I like cucumbers....They are long, and hard."

^ It went on for about, half an hour? Just imagine all of that in the most perverted deep voice your imagination can manage.

I was also going to post pictures of thing I love and things I want but basically if you look down at Abi's post, I want all of those things too. 'Cos we're like, almost twins. YEAH. Telepathy. Is AWESOME.
I have red leg warmers. But they don't go with much. I have a white cotton dress, I need new ballet pumps to go with it. I need skin coloured tights. I also want some fashion tights like those heart ones.

Laura xo

Abi's Fashion Must Haves

When I think of summer, one of the things that jumps to mind = new clothes.
Right now I'm really in need of a new wardrobe. Well... I like to think I am, anyway.
I go through phases where there's a whole outfit that I really want. But I never end up getting it, sadly.
Here's what I have my eyes on right now:

1. Heart Patterned Tights
I saw a girl wearing them a few weeks ago and thought they looked kind of weird, like moles all over her legs... But for some reason I've had a change of heart (haha geddit?) and now think they look quite cute.

2. Black leg warmers

Simple, I know, but I lost mine like a year ago and keep forgetting to buy a new pair. And I keep wearing outfits where I'm like "Ah! I'll wear my black leg warmers!"
...And then I remember I can't find them. So I search around my room for about half an hour(/second) and then give up in frustration.

3. A cute summer dress
This, I have been looking for for ages. But I can't find one I really like anywhere :'(
So I don't really have a proper picture to post, as if I found what I wanted I'd be buying it right now.
But I'm thinking something cute, colourful, floaty skirt... That sorta thing.

Maybe something like this?
Or maybe this?
I'm not sure, but I'll know when I see it.
I'd probably consider one of these dresses or some of the others on Urban Outfitters if they weren't so expensive. £53 for that second dress? Me no think so.

4. Lace topped... top?
I dunno what to call it, but basically:
A top with lace at the top. Ya'know?
That's a dress, I know, but I couldn't be bothered to hunt down a decent example.
They just look so pretty, I want one :) Or maybe I could even combine my want for a dress and this together... If I find one I like.

All these photos are making me want to do a really awesome fashion shoot, especially the photos at the top. I'd love to do a proper good vintage styled one. But I don't really have the clothes, background or props that would be perfect for it. I have the camera though! :)

There are loads more clothes I'd love to own too, but sadly I have no money. Well, I lie, I have about... £30? Maybe £50? Or perhaps £60 if my dad decides to give me the £35 from my Animal Crossing Wii game that he sold on eBay for me (I won it in a competition ages ago but already had it ;) ) but I doubt he will, and I'm not going to nag seeing as he bought me a camera.

Rambling aside, I don't think I have enough for clothes. I'll have to hunt for cheap stuff later, when I have nothing else to put off revising with.

Abi♥ xo

Thursday 13 May 2010

I Love Him

I actually love him! His voice is just wow. It's such a shame he's only twelve... ;)
He's amazing, it's clear he's going to go far.
I'm actually gob smacked.

A♥ xo

More Eye Poking and Even Bigger Excitement

This is pretty much an update on my last blog. 
So, contact lenses? Still haven't got them. The left lens turned out to be damaged, it felt really uncomfortable the day before but the woman didn't listen. Then yesterday when I put it in, the bottom half of the lens flipped underneath D: It was really horrible. And THEN I had to get it back out! It especially doesn't help that I seem to be right eyed. With my right eye i'm fine, I can touch it easily. But my left eye, the moment my finger gets a millimetre away from... *FLINCHFLINCHFLINCH*
But anyhow, about five minutes from the end of the session the woman decided to go ask someone for help as I couldn't get them out. Turns out my lenses can't be pinched out as they're thin on the outside and thick in the middle. Typical. I've spent about two/three hours in total pinching and pulling at my eyeballs, to the point where whey were red and puffy, for no reason. Now I have to look to the side, slide the lens over to the white of my eye, and THEN it'll pinch out. And I did it! First time! Why couldn't they have found this out in the first session? 
But once the new lens is ordered in... I should be able to do it first time :) And hopefully, finally bring them home.

That's right! :D My DSLR camera arrived yesterday!
I'm in love. It's official.

Abi♥ xo

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Being Chomped On & Ice Cold Sudacrem

Picture this:
You're sitting at your computer all happy happy, the world is hunky dory (meaning good, I probably spelt it wrong but OH WELLS) and all of a sudden OUCH your leg starts to go throb throb throb throb stinging pain!
What could this possibly be? So I rolled down my £8 American Apparel socks:
Sexy stuff right? I know (thats not me)*ahem* back to the story.
So I rolled down my £8 American Apparel socks to find two little puncture marks on my leg, now I'm sure I haven't let Edward Cullen chomp on my leg and likewise for that Vamp Professor Quirrel has been hiding from. (teehee) So I would like to know who has been chomping on me and why you were hiding in my expensive socks.
But of course like with any story there was a hero, called Sudacrem, who is white and pasty and ice cold. I let him sleep on my bite marks and it is cooling down.


Lets buy the makers of Sudacrem some roses; thornless of course.

Laura xo

Eye Poking and Big Big Excitement

Today, I had a contact lens lesson. For the second time. And I have to go in for a third time tomorrow.
   I really want contact lenses for prom so that I can make the day extra special and not look like the usual geeky Abi. I want to look different. But, because I'm as blind as a bat, my prescription is too complex for daily lenses. I can only have monthlies, which means they have to be bought in a set of three, meaning it'll cost mum about £90 just for prom. Which is awful, but she's letting me do the free trial for now.
   So anyway, I went in on Saturday... Could only get one lens in. Fail. Today, after an hour and twenty minutes of shoving my fingers in my eyes, I had getting them in to perfection. I can now do it straight away. The problem is getting the stupid things back out. Because of my prescription they're really dish-like and are quite stiff so they're really awkward and seem to like my eyeballs. A lot. They just wouldn't come off. I did manage to get them out each time (although the last time I really thought they were never going to come out), but it took me about twenty go's, no joke. Epic fail. And of course they won't let me take them home to start the trial until they see me put them in and take them out perfectly about five times in a row. So afterwards my eyes were bloodshot, puffy and aching. Lovely!

I think this is the only realistic picture on google. The rest look all lovely and are like "oh yes look, this is easy! I can even do it with my make-up on!" when it's like, uhh, i don't think so. My eyes were streaming down my face, and then they decided to get my nose in on the act.

Anyway, excitement! My DSLR (Nikon D5000) is arriving tomorrow! Eeeeek!
...Well, it better be. It says it is, and I paid my dad extra for it to be delivered tomorrow. I won't be happy if it doesn't turn up :(
I have my opticians appointment at four which really sucks, as I won't be able to play with my new camera 'till I get home, which won't be 'till about six unless everything goes well and my eyes decide to behave themselves. Rather than gluing the lenses to themselves.

I'm dead excited! And Hannah might be getting one too, which is awesome. We shall be DSLR twins! If you're reading this Hannah, high-five! ;)

Anyway, I'm tired and my poor eyes need resting. They need to revitalize and prepare themselves for tomorrows poking - and no doubt me staying up late on my new baby :)

Abi♥ xo