Saturday 22 May 2010

This Is Where It Ends

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass.... 
               it's about learning how to dance in the rain."

Yesterday was the last day of year 11. The last official day of school, ever. Of course I'm going back for countless exams and revision sessions, but as soon as that's all over, that's it. Done. 
It's so scary to think about. For the five years that I was at secondary school I hated it and didn't want to get up in the morning. But now that it's over? Well, it's just come too quick. It means I have to grow up, and I don't want to grow up. 
Peter, now would be a nice time for you to take me to Never land. My window is wide open.

We had a pretty awesome last two days. On Thursday a load of the boys dressed up in costumes and then ran across the school dropping stink bombs. It was pretty awesome. Apart from the smell.

What made it even better was that the teachers thought it was funny, considering two weeks before a load of people stole & damaged clocks and fire extinguishers. That wasn't funny. 

On Thursday we were treated to free breakfast (although we were late so ended up only having a choice from pizza or bacon things) and then signed each others shirts. My tutor, Mr Masih, got us all little books to sign and stuck a load of pictures of our tutor in, it's such a nice gift :) I'm going to stick loads of photos of the last days and prom in. 

My last ever lesson was Textiles, which was a bummer, but for the second half we got to just piss about and took pictures. A load of girls also stuck fake moustaches on which was hilarious as Mrs Gross didn't even notice for ages. 
Me and Laura were jealous and made our own little moustaches.

This last picture really made me laugh, as me and Laura are the only ones sat looking at the camera hahaha.

At lunch we made human pyramids and piled up on each other. Becky then got kicked in the face when joining in with the leap frog game going on with another group, and I got my foot squished when Josh was giving me a piggy back and then got knocked over. But all in all it was a good lunch :)

Then after school on Friday, went into town with the girlies (and Josh) and drank coke (although I think Laura might have had a fanta), ate ice creams and pigged out on chocolate stars. Oh, and jumped around taking pictures on mine and Hannah's DSLR's :)

I'm going to miss seeing my friends every day soso much :( That's probably the bit that upsets me about leaving school actually. I'll be glad to get rid of the homework and boring lessons and nagging teachers for a few months. Even though I have exams right now (2 down, 500 to go!) and then college in September. Ahh!

A♥ xo

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