Tuesday 11 May 2010

Eye Poking and Big Big Excitement

Today, I had a contact lens lesson. For the second time. And I have to go in for a third time tomorrow.
   I really want contact lenses for prom so that I can make the day extra special and not look like the usual geeky Abi. I want to look different. But, because I'm as blind as a bat, my prescription is too complex for daily lenses. I can only have monthlies, which means they have to be bought in a set of three, meaning it'll cost mum about £90 just for prom. Which is awful, but she's letting me do the free trial for now.
   So anyway, I went in on Saturday... Could only get one lens in. Fail. Today, after an hour and twenty minutes of shoving my fingers in my eyes, I had getting them in to perfection. I can now do it straight away. The problem is getting the stupid things back out. Because of my prescription they're really dish-like and are quite stiff so they're really awkward and seem to like my eyeballs. A lot. They just wouldn't come off. I did manage to get them out each time (although the last time I really thought they were never going to come out), but it took me about twenty go's, no joke. Epic fail. And of course they won't let me take them home to start the trial until they see me put them in and take them out perfectly about five times in a row. So afterwards my eyes were bloodshot, puffy and aching. Lovely!

I think this is the only realistic picture on google. The rest look all lovely and are like "oh yes look, this is easy! I can even do it with my make-up on!" when it's like, uhh, i don't think so. My eyes were streaming down my face, and then they decided to get my nose in on the act.

Anyway, excitement! My DSLR (Nikon D5000) is arriving tomorrow! Eeeeek!
...Well, it better be. It says it is, and I paid my dad extra for it to be delivered tomorrow. I won't be happy if it doesn't turn up :(
I have my opticians appointment at four which really sucks, as I won't be able to play with my new camera 'till I get home, which won't be 'till about six unless everything goes well and my eyes decide to behave themselves. Rather than gluing the lenses to themselves.

I'm dead excited! And Hannah might be getting one too, which is awesome. We shall be DSLR twins! If you're reading this Hannah, high-five! ;)

Anyway, I'm tired and my poor eyes need resting. They need to revitalize and prepare themselves for tomorrows poking - and no doubt me staying up late on my new baby :)

Abi♥ xo

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