Wednesday 19 May 2010

Travis, Trevor, milk

Okay so I was nagged to write something today and my excuse was "nothing interesting ever happens" and I honestly didn't think it would because yaknow, it's sunny = cameras = posing = not much talking just smiling and face pulling.
me and Abigail were talking about Mr Justin Bieber and his voice and how it has actually broken and about him meeting 3 year old Cody because she cried about him on youtube (I'll link you later) and my demonstration broken mans voice sounded so perverted that me and her made everything we said perverted. Here's a snippet:
"I saw you in that video"
"I liked it"
"You cried a lot
"I like it when you cry"
"When you cried my name, I made some milk! And then...And then I drank it"
"I like milk"
"I like cucumbers....They are long, and hard."

^ It went on for about, half an hour? Just imagine all of that in the most perverted deep voice your imagination can manage.

I was also going to post pictures of thing I love and things I want but basically if you look down at Abi's post, I want all of those things too. 'Cos we're like, almost twins. YEAH. Telepathy. Is AWESOME.
I have red leg warmers. But they don't go with much. I have a white cotton dress, I need new ballet pumps to go with it. I need skin coloured tights. I also want some fashion tights like those heart ones.

Laura xo

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